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Run Production Server

Built with:

How To Start

1. Copy the .env.docker-example and rename to .env
2. Set .env variables as needed

SSL Support

Configure the following in .env

  • LE_OPTIONS= (Extra certbot switches. ex. --staging) (Optional)
  • RENEW_INTERVAL= (Any valid sleep values. Default: 12h) (Optional)

Automatic Registration and renewal of certificates is provided using certbot by Let's Encrypt.

Build and Start


Be sure to install dependencies for both client and server.

docker compose build
docker compose up -d

Socket.IO Admin UI


At the moment, this UI is not fully secured. Therefore, access is limited to localhost. If you choose to run this in production, you will probably want to add extra security.

docker compose --file sio-admin-compose.yml up -d


Enter 'http://localhost:85' as the Server URL