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  • The main logic of the game mode should go here.
  • Stored in client/src/components/games

Example Mode

* MyGameMode Component
const MyGameMode = (props) => {

* Game Logic Here

// Default events you need to implement
const events = {
PlayersDone: (lobby, lobbyData) => {
// Handle when all players are done

// Prepare lobby data structure how you want
const newData = {
// new data here

// Message server to move to the next screen
socket.emit('message', {
type: 'NextScreen',
data: {
lobbyCode: lobby.code,
lobbyData: newData
NextScreen: (lobby) => {
// Handle when the game moves to the next screen

useEffect(() => {
// Attach the events to the web socket
for(const name in events) {
socket.on(name, events[name]);

// Detach the events from the web socket
return () => {
for(const name in events) {, events[name]);
}, []);

return (
{props.gameScreen === 0 && <Screen0 {...props} />}
{props.gameScreen === 1 && <Screen1 {...props} />}

export default MyGameMode;

* Component config and settings
export const title = 'MyGameMode';
export const description = 'My mode plays like this...';
export const settings = {
// See below

Mode settings

You may add any settings you need, but there are a few pre-defined you should implement:

  • maxPlayers: The maximum number of players allowed in the lobby
  • groupSize: If the game requires multiples of players (ex. player count divisible by 3)
  • time: The seconds allowed for each game screen

Settings Structure

name:string // Storage key (

displayName:string // Name to display in settings dialog

default:mixed // The default value, this should match the intitial value
// This value changes temporarily when adjusting the settings

component:function(newProps:object) // Function that returns a JSX.Element for adjusting the value
// in the settings dialog. New props passed are:
// initialValue:number Updated value from settings dialog
// onUpdate:function(value) Used to hook value updates from component

Example Settings

export const settings = [
name: 'maxPlayers',
displayName: 'Max Players',
default: 15,
component: (newProps) => {
let props = {
initialValue: 15,
minValue: 1,
maxValue: 15,
required: true
props = {...props, ...newProps};
return <GameNumericInput {...props} />
name: 'groupSize',
displayName: 'Group Size',
default: 1,
component: (newProps) => {
let props = {
initialValue: 1,
minValue: 1,
maxValue: 7,
required: true
props = {...props, ...newProps};
return <GameNumericInput {...props} />
name: 'timer',
displayName: 'Timer',
default: 0,
component: (newProps) => {
let props = {
initialValue: 0,
minValue: 0,
required: true
props = {...props, ...newProps};
return <GameNumericInput {...props} />


Game Mode Components receive the following props.

// Game Lobby properties
code:string, // The lobby code

owner:string, // Name of the player that owns the lobby

status:string, // LobbyStatus Constants:
// OPEN - Players are in the lobby waiting for game to start
// STARTED - The game has been started. No new players allowed.
// GAME - The game has ended

appScreen:string, // AppScreen Constants:
// LOGIN - The login screen
// LOBBY - The lobby screen
// GAME - This screen is what shows while a game is being played.

gameScreen:number, // Automatically increments by 1 for each game screen.
// (So you can track what screen to show)

round:number, // Automatically increments by 1 for each round of the game.
// Currently Not implemented

mode:string, // The title of the game mode. This is set in your game component.

settings:object, // This is the json object of options available to your game mode.
// You must configure the predefined settings. You may add any others you want.
// Predefined settings:
// maxPlayers:number - The maximum number of players allowed.
// groupSize:number - Required group amount.
// (Groups of 2: 2, Groups of 3: 3, etc.)
// (This is not currently implemented)
// time:number - Per game screen timer in seconds.
// (0 = infinite)
// (This is not currently implemented)

players:Array<object>, // List of players in the game and their info
// Each player has the following properties
// name:string - The name of the player
// owner:boolean - Flag of lobby ownership
// status:string - PlayerStatus Constant
// ACTIVE - Player is ready
// DONE - Player has pressed done
// connected:string - ConnectionStatus Constant
// CONNECTED - Player is connected
// DISCONNECTED - Player is disconnected

// Other properties
socket:object, // The websocket to emit/listen for custom events
playerName:string, // Name of the the player

lobbyData:object, // Json data store that can be used to store images, text, etc
// Formatting is completely up to the game mode

onGameEnd:function, // Callback to fire when you want the game to end

onRoundEnd:function, // Callback to fire when you want the round to end (Not yet implemented)

onDone:function(data:object), // Callback to fire when you want to mark a player as done
// data:object - Data to save in the lobbyData storage

onQuit:function(), // Callback to fire when a player quits the lobby