- Smaller components that are combined together to form game screens.
- Stored in client/src/components/widgets
- Widgets should also contain their own state/logic if appropriate.
* Widget 0
const Widget0 = (props) => {
return (
<Typography>Hello from Widget 0.</Typography>
export default Widget0;
Existing Widgets
Creates chat bubbles. (ex. Standard end screen)
side:string // BUBBLE_LEFT or BUBBLE_RIGHT constants
children:mixed // Child nodes
Combines DrawingBoard, DrawingTools and DrawingSidePanel to form an entire drawing set.
showTools:boolean // Whether to display the drawing tools panel
stageRef:React.MutableRefObject // Link to the stage component in DrawingBoard
displayShapes:Array // Array of shapes to display on the DrawingBoard on load
lockBoard:boolean // Whether the drawing board is locked to prevent drawing
MAX_WIDTH:number // Maximum width of the drawing board
MAX_HEIGHT:number // Maximum height of the drawing board
onChange:function(shapes:Array) // Function that receives shape data when the state changes
The board to draw on
brushColor:string // Hexidecimal stroke color
bgColor:string // Hexidecimal background color
opacity:number // Drawing opacity
strokeWidth:number // The width of the stroke
lineCap:string // The type of line cap ('butt', 'round', or 'square')
tension:number // Higher values result in a more curvy line. 0 = no interpolation.
tool:object // One of the drawing tool objects defined in DrawingTools
displayShapes:Array // Array of shapes to display on the DrawingBoard on load
lockBoard:boolean // Whether the drawing board is locked to prevent drawing
MAX_WIDTH:number // Maximum width of the drawing board
MAX_HEIGHT:number // Maximum height of the drawing board
onChange:function(shapes:Array) // Function that receives shape data when the state changes
Combines DrawToolPanel and ColorPalette to form an entire tool/color selection set.
toolSettings:object // Object with all the tool settings
// (brushColor, bgColor, opacity, strokeWidth, lineCap, tension, tool)
setTool:function(toolName:string, value:mixed) // Hook that returns the name of the tool and it's new value
resetTools:function // Function to call that resets all the tool settings
Color selection.
setColor:function(color:string) // Hook that returns the selected color (as hexidecimal)
Panel that displays all the drawing tools.
activeTool:object // One of the drawing tool objects defined in DrawingTools
setTool:function(toolName:string, value:mixed) // Function that receives the name of the tool to and it's new value
MUI Button component styled like other buttons.
Accepts all the same props as a MUI Button. Except 'variant' which is locked to 'contained' See: MUI Button
MUI TextField component styled like other inputs.
Accepts all the same props as a MUI TextField. See: MUI TextField
initialValue:string // Value to automatically populate the input
onUpdate:function(value) // Hook to return updated values during change
MUI TextField component styled like other inputs. Accepts only numbers. Can be used for number ranges.
Accepts all the same props as a MUI TextField. See: MUI TextField
initialValue:number // Value to automatically populate the input
onUpdate:function(value) // Hook to return updated values during change
minValue:number // Minimum value to allow (optional)
maxValue:number // Maximum value to allow (optional)
MUI Switch component.
Accepts all the same props as a MUI Switch. This may change in the future. See: MUI Switch
MUI Typography component.
displayText:string // Text to display
CountdownCircleTimer component. See react-countdown-circle-timer
timerKey:string // Key prop for the component (default 'gameTimer')
isPlaying:boolean // Whether the timer is active (default 'true')
duration:number // Number of seconds
initialRemainingTime:number // The initial remaining time on the timer if different from the duration (default 'null')
size:number // Width and height of the element (default '60')
colors:Array // Colors that change as the timer counts
colorsTime:number // Indicates the time when a color should switch to the next color.
// The first number is the countdown duration and the last one is 0 or goal.
strokeWidth:number // Stroke width of the timer (default '5')
onUpdate:function(remainingTime:number) // Remaining time update handler
onComplete:function // On timer complete handler
children:mixed // Render function to customize the time/content in the center of the circle
Displays list of players.
icons:boolean // Displays the owner and kick icon buttons (default 'true')
buttonList:boolean // Whether the list items are buttons or not (default 'false')
code:string // Lobby code for when player kick button is clicked
owner:string // Name of the lobby owner
playerName:string // Name of the player
players:Array<object> // Player object list
breakpoints:object // Define breakpoints for the list (default {xs:4})
// (see: https://mui.com/material-ui/customization/breakpoints/)
onPlayerKick:function(code:string, playerName:string) // Function called when a player kick button is clicked
onPlayerClick:function(index:number) // Function called when a player list item button is clicked (when buttonList is 'true')